Itanimulli (Read Backwards) battle tactics and operation methods

The itanimulli have fused human with djinn to create Veritable DRAGONS.These are the archetypal villains that have manifested in our very own reality.The itanimulli members are like spirits with human bodies.If you’ve watched the show “Full Metal Alchemist :Brotherhood” ,The itanimulli leadership is exactly the homunculi.They start wars and kill people to obtain their astral and mental bodies (psychic constructs).The same rules and laws that apply to spirits apply to them in some variation or the other.”They” just do not attack people except in the most extraordinary of circumstances.First they will give prior notice in some way or the other.This is meant to polarize your psychic energies towards them and their goal.That’s the real secret behind the all seeing eye (Besides being a Satanic Meditation symbol).So if you are ever attacked out of the blue ,it’s very unlikely to be a attack from the itanimulli .The itanimulli magick is basically like computer coding.If you’ve seen the movie the matrix,that’s exactly how itanimulli magick operates.It’s not ordinary magick.For one ,there are no side effects to using baneful magick utilizing one’s personal energies.If regular magicians try cursing someone ,some of that negative energy will come back to them.If you’ve been destined by God to see the now deleted post “Secrets so Untold !” ,you’ll know that the mysticism of the twin pillars of Boaz and Jachin and the Kabbalah play a HUGE role in itanimulli magick arts.Boaz is the right leg and Jachin is the left leg.Energy flows out one leg,and goes into the other.So there is circulation.So whatever is sent out ,similar energy is recycled.However the vampires and werewolves and exempt from this law as they focus on a single pillar.However the middle pillar offers the benefits of being the Caduceus of the ancients.The most powerful wand in existence.If a baneful spell is cast ,then energy will harmlessly return in such a manner that it provides strength to the spell caster.The best defence against the itanimulli is to give notice to them that you will go to the ends of the earth to punish them including but not limited to taking away all their wealth.This must be done BEFORE they contact you but it can also be given immediately after receiving a threat.Lastly ,spirits thrive on attention and emotional charge.If you strongly feel that the itanimulli are weak ,dirty scumbags who cannot hurt you and you persist on those thoughts ,the thoughts will become a reality and they will suffer.

If a spirit ever troubles you , recite Surah Al fatiha once then Surah Al Baqarah verse 148 many times.The intention for the recitation should be to catch and kill the spirit.Have the fighting spirit and the will-to-kill in your heart.Do this as you fall asleep and you might have astral-combat with the spirit.I’ve tried it ,it works.I learned this a long time ago from Ben Halima Abdul Raouf..But you have to fall asleep immediately after reciting it.Also ,do not swear .Swearing causes a negative mindset and may draw negative experiences in your life.Swearing poisons the emotional energy of the psychic body.

The question of Polygyny

I am all for polygyny only.Science has verified that men are polygamous by nature and we are not just saying that they are super horny.Certain chemicals such as oxytocin which is normally just a bonding (emotional) hormone in women cause polygyny in men.If fact there lies the paradox.Men lack oxytocin and it is only released for them when they have sex with a female with whom they have emotional attachments to.However not only does oxytocin increase a man’s bond with his lover but it also makes him seek more partners.There is another species of mammal with a similar system but i forgot which animal it was.
Further more women outnumber men in the world by MILLIONS.This is because the female infant has a stronger immune system and can survive early infancy better than male children.If all men have only one spouse there will be so many women without a partner.The only option is to allow polygyny (one man with more than one spouse)

Should father have rights over a woman getting a abortion?

Yes.Just because my child is in someone else’s house does give them the right to my child’s life.Similarly a woman should be forced to bear the child is the father does not agree to an abortion because she is firstly , bearing the consequences of having sex.If she did not want a baby she should NEVER have had sex in the first place.Though if the man wants her to abort and the woman does not ,the woman must get the final say because the man can simply sign off the rights to the child and not have to pay child support.Her body her rules ? What about when dictators kill their own citizens ,after all their land ,their rulez !

If a Woman hits a Man can the man hit back ?

While I am perfectly against unprovoked violence some physical violence is good provided there is justification.People think so foolishly.They believe in some delusional utopia where physical violence never happens when it is a perfectly normal and instinctual thing for humans to do.In countries like India where policemen beat criminal ,people are afraid to go to jail but in places like america where the governments coddle prisoners and vile criminals ,jail is seen just like another phase in life and many people commit repeat offenses of horrible crimes like rape ,murder etc. right after they leave prisoners.Any good philosopher will agree that sometimes most people just don’t get it until there is a physical stimuli.Therefore any man or woman should be able to use force on any other man or woman IF and only if it is perfectly justified .If someone hits you ,you should have the right to hit back.But today’s stupid laws will put you in jail for defending yourself.Today’s people don’t understand even the most basic things.Take for example school yard bullies.No matter how any times you complain to authorities they just never give up because there is no practical punishment for them.In fact they will increase the torment if you do not physically retaliate and if you do retaliate only then they will understand.Most women reading this are probably ill shocked but this is to be expected as they naturally look out for themselves and other women even in the face of FACT and LOGIC.They realize that they are weak and are insecure that someone will teach them a lesson if they commit rancid and vile acts.Some idiots think men should not hit women back even if it is justified because men are stronger but this is an extremely twisted and fallacious idea promoted by some women with the intent of self-preservation.You cannot suspend social rules for yourself while expecting ME to keep following them. Life doesn’t work that way.If a small country attacks a bigger country ,should the grander country whimper and hold herself back because of fear that the country that just violated it’s sovereignty will get even more harm ?Stupid. You can thereby choose to defend the violation of your very being by retaliating and not being the victim.
Regarding unjust physical violence ,it is RARE.Feminists just like to blow up statistics.
No one should be hitting anyone, but if someone hits you first, have at it. If a woman hits a man, she should expect to get hit back as if she was a man. If that man is twice her size, well maybe she should have thought of that before physically assaulting him.

Is it true that destroying the ego sets you free? Or will it lead you to behave suicidally?

Desires are a part of you.Kill the ego.Kill yourself.You are your Will and Ego combined.Without an ego you will be nothing but a hollow darkened shell.Happiness and tranquility are also desires.A stoic person has his life force drained away because it is not replenished by the very life giving thing called ’emotions’.

I want to take the time to point out the paradox of the repairment of a ship.First, suppose that the famous ship sailed by the hero Theseus in a great battle has been kept in a harbour as a museum piece. As the years go by some of the wooden parts begin to rot and are replaced by new ones. After a century or so, all of the parts have been replaced. Is the “restored” ship still the same object as the original?

The fact is that the Ego or BEING is wholeness and NOT emptiness as occultists claim.If I lose my hand I am still myself because I am more than 49% the same.However ,should I lose more that 51% I would be different.It’s all a matter of degree.When we hold the concept of “ship” in our being we are not talking about the mast or the sails or the captain’s cabin.Rather we are talking about the ship as a whole.When I talk about myself or you talk about yourself ,we are talking about all aspects and forces of ourselves.

The ship created out of the first ship is a SON or a clone.The original ship has maintained the majority of itself and thus for the most part is still the same.You have to realize that BEING is dynamic like the forces of mars where the planet experiences both extreme heat and extreme cold in rapid pendulum swings.BEING or ego is not a static state but rather something temporally in constant flux.I am not the same person I was yesterday ,neither are you.This solution was first introduced by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who attempted to solve the paradox by introducing the idea of a river where water replenishes it. Arius Didymusquoted him as saying “upon those who step into the same rivers, different and again different waters flow”.

Atheist : If God can do anything, can he create a rock that’s too heavy for him to lift?

First of all ,you’re assuming that Gravity applies to God. Anyways ,That’s an old chestnut. If an assertion being made is agreed upon at the beginning of your question, (God can), it cannot be simultaneously refused by the same inquiry, (God cannot). Can he cannot he lift this rock? It is nothing short of rhetorical buffoonery. You have only hidden the actual question further by removing the ‘cannot’ and replacing it with ‘too heavy for him.’ The question also assumes that what God ‘can do’ ,God ‘Will’ do. Yes he can, if his intention is to create something that he cannot overcome then it follows that he will not be able to do it because he is so powerful that he put that condition into the cause and effect.God is so powerful that he can even stop himself from being so powerful.So the question is invalid since God is all powerful ,and then ceases to be all powerful when he created a task he himself could not overcome ,therefore there is no paradox.You cannot be all powerful one’s you limit yourself.

When we say that God can do anything, or do everything, the COMPLETE definition actually is: God can do anything THAT IS POSSIBLE TO DO. Here are some examples:
God cannot sin. The definition of sin is to go against God’s will. So, by definition, LOGICALLY, whatever God’s will IS is what He DOES, therefore He simply cannot go against His own will.
God cannot create a 4-sided TRIANGLE, since the definition of a TRIangle is that it has 3 sides, not 4.
God cannot create a “married bachelor,” because it is a contradiction in terms. Just because we can string words together does not make it possible for that “thing” to actually exist. So it is with God.


Time is Created ?!

You see folks ,Time ‘itself’ had a beginning! There in lies the key to some of our answers.Why did the universe commit the big bang then ,at that moment and not some other time?
[Also,whatever triggered such a phenomenon surely could not have come from within this universe itself -said universe being nothing more than a conglomeration of mass and energy within space.]To answer this question we have to go more deeper fact of the matter and realize that there are two kinds of time .The illusory time that can only relatively be measured and then we have the ‘real’ Time where it is in reality only one single instant!(Not talking of the time we experience in everyday life)Everything that ever happened or will happen all are happening at the same time.It is we who are experiencing it in parts in an illusion of succession because we are within it.Within the ‘real’ time is the illusory time.Relative time began within the infinite ‘real’ time.So the time we experience is different from the ‘real’ time.The Real time applies to God who is eternal and the illusory time applies to us.Even now some theoretical scientists have hit upon my same idea that time is only one eternal instant and we are the ones simply experiencing it in parts.

As you read this sentence, you probably think that this moment—right now—is what is happening. The present moment feels special. It is real. However much you may remember the past or anticipate the future, you live in the present. Of course, the moment during which you read that sentence is no longer happening. This one is. In other words, it feels as though time flows, in the sense that the present is constantly updating itself. We have a deep intuition that the future is open until it becomes present and that the past is fixed. As time flows, this structure of fixed past, immediate present and open future gets carried forward in time. This structure is built into our language, thought and behavior. How we live our lives hangs on it.

Yet as natural as this way of thinking is, you will not find it reflected in science. The equations of physics do not tell us which events are occurring right now—they are like a map without the “you are here” symbol. The present moment does not exist in them, and therefore neither does the flow of time. Additionally, Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity suggest not only that there is no single special present but also that all moments are equally real [see “That Mysterious Flow,” by Paul Davies; Scientific American, September 2002]. Fundamentally, the future is no more open than the past.

I think it would be great if you the reader would undertake some effort in understanding the philosophy of ‘Eternalism’ .Eternalism is a philosophical approach to the ontological nature of time, which takes the view that all points in time are equally “real”, as opposed to the presentist idea that only the present is real and the growing block universe theory of time in which the past and present are real while the future is not. Modern advocates often take inspiration from the way time is modeled as a dimension in the theory of relativity, giving time a similar ontology to that of space (although the basic idea dates back at least to McTaggart’s B-Theory of time, first published in The Unreality of Time in 1908, only three years after the first paper on relativity). This would mean that time is just another dimension, that future events are “already there”, and that there is no objective flow of time. It is sometimes referred to as the “block time” or “block universe” theory due to its description of space-time as an unchanging four-dimensional “block”,as opposed to the view of the world as a three-dimensional space modulated by the passage of time.However i think that both theories might be true !

In another post of mine I mentioned a little about the two kinds of time ,here is an excerpt


But you see,Time ‘itself’ had a beginning! There in lies the key to our answers.Why did the universe commit the big bang then ,at that moment and not some other time?
[Also,what triggered such a phenomenon surely could not have come from within this universe itself -said universe being nothing more than a conglomeration of mass and energy within space.]
In our reality of the world ,time is nothing but a measure of changing positions of objects in space.If nothing moves in the universe,no time would exist.For example a year is the movement of the earth around the Sun or a second being the movement it takes for the gears in a clock to move the second hand.Time is relative.Time does not exist unless you apply a relative means of measuring ‘one moment to the next’, and will still be only relative to the observer.The Universe contains no relative ‘constancy’, and only exists in our relative perception and interpretation of our “Mind”. So basically,time began when the universe began.When movement itself began.When the first impulse that set off the explosion occurred.


So you see the REAL Eternalistic time existed before the Big Bang and now there exists a “Growing Block” time where the present and past are like real and the future is not.This is a very linear version of time.It is my belief that when the universe collapses back into the Monad in the “BIg Crunch” ,time will once again be eternalistic and all eternity will be an instant !

Perhaps God who is eternal created the linear time we live in.While perhaps to him time is eternalistic ,he can interact with us in this linear time which is probably why we say Only God knows the future.

The ontological argument for God

The atheistic universe of blind-force can NEVER cause any sort of ordering.Naturally ,order decreases with time but according to evolution ,it’s the opposite.That’s the easiest way to refute atheism in just a few lines !Even by using one’s wisdom one must realize that everything had to come from something that had always existed i.e is causeless.This is the only way how our reality of cause-and-effect can operate.If every effect had a cause which is also an effect of another cause and so on ,the universe could not exist -reality as we know it would not and will not exist !One might even ask .Where did the universe and all the matter and energy it contains come from? Where did the old,unexploded universe come from?Where did it originate from? Where did it’s origin originate from etc. etc.It’s like asking the foolish set of question that some people dwell on which is —> “who created us ?Then Who created God?Then Who created that God and so on….” therefore we must accept the possibility of a cause which is not an effect (perhaps outside the realm of time itself).Since we clearly DO exist ,there must a source ,an origin from which all things came which itself is not caused by something else.Now one might think okay ,I agree that everything had to come from something uncreated but does it have to be a God ?!
Well the answer to finding proof on the existence of a God is simple .Some might think all things came from the Monad i.e the primeval blob of energy and mass that erupted to cause the big bang.However ,from observation we see that the amount of energy and mass in the universe is finite so it does not seem rational how something eternal and infinite could be having a set value when nothing was there to set such a value.It’s just like trying to add,subtract or multiply the number infinity.This means that the one thing from which the primordial universe and therefore all things came from must be infinite .And since the universe we observe is not infinite by itself we can conclude that the limited universe which we live in is originated (caused) by something infinite which is distinct and separate from the universe itself.
Now let us look at the proof that the creator of the universe is intelligent for there is no other explanation for the world we see around us.WE ourselves are the proof of a single genderless deity who is all-powerful.All things finite are in pairs but infinity cannot have a pair (Yin and yang ,light and darkness ,positive and negative etc.)We need no miracles for proof ,only understanding ,knowledge and wisdom..Not all atheists are morons ,but some are.They keep yapping about “Probability ! ,Probability !” yet they fail to realize that in all “probability” the likelihood of all this coming by chance is so insignificant that the likelihood of a God is more ‘probable’.
Here are some facts that evolution cannot explain
1)There is not a single specimen of a transitional animal and too many “missing links” including for humans when it comes to tracing the evolutionary history of many creatures.
2)The bodies of plants and animals seem to have the ability to ‘learn’ from the surrounding and pass off that information to descendants in the form of resistance and other mutations.Although a large part of evolution is based on this ,no one can explain how this mechanism came into being.The discovery of nylon-eating bacteria has been used by critics and proponents of creationism and intelligent design, in both print articles and on websites, to challenge creationist or Darwinist claims. These bacteria can produce novel enzymes that allow them to feed on by-products of nylon manufacture which did not exist prior to the invention of nylon in the 1930s.The daily decisions we make about lifestyle, diet, exercise, thought patterns and environment can directly affect the physical sequence of our DNA. Stressful events and factors in our lives can link various methyl groups to our genetics, or change the histones that make up our DNA. Think these changes are too insignificant to notice? Think again. These subtle shifts in the well-being of our nuclei can go so far as to impact the genetics of our children, making them more or less susceptible to hereditary factors such as high blood pressure or life expectancy.Evolution does happen but only for pre-existing creatures with the bodies that have the code for self transformation.I call this Adaptive mutation.
3)Some intrepid biologists at the University of Southern California (USC) have discovered bacteria that survives on nothing but electricity — rather than food, they eat and excrete pure electrons. These bacteria yet again prove the almost miraculous tenacity of life — but, from a technology standpoint, they might also prove to be useful in enabling the creation of self-powered nanoscale devices that clean up pollution. Some of these bacteria also have the curious ability to form into ‘biocables,’ microbial nanowires that are centimeters long and conduct electricity as well as copper wires — a capability that might one day be tapped to build long, self-assembling subsurface networks for human use.As you may recall from high school biology, almost every living organism consumes sugar to survive. When it gets right down to it, everything you eat is ultimately converted or digested into single molecules of glucose. Without going into the complexities of respiration and metabolism (ATP!), these sugars have excess electrons — and the oxygen you breathe in really wants those electrons. By ferrying electrons from sugar to oxygen, a flow of electrons — i.e. energy — is created, which is then used to carry out various vital tasks around your body (triggering electrons, beating your heart, etc.)
4)Some say that Humans and Apes share 98% of their DNA but this is untrue.A new report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that the common value of >98% similarity of DNA between chimp and humans is incorrect.Roy Britten, author of the study, puts the figure at about 95% when insertions and deletions are included. Importantly, there is much more to these studies than people realize.As far as we know ,it is near impossible to mate with another species.If you try to have a baby between a woman and her pet monkey ,the chances are that no offspring will result.This is another problem when it comes to the evolution of sexual beings.If an ape gave birth to an evolved ape ,that evolved ape is in all probability unable to reproduce without a mate sharing the same DNA.
5)One would expect that, at the very bottom of the fossil record, the remains of living creatures would be extremely sparse. Contrariwise, the earliest fossil stratum reflects an “explosion of life” that is so profuse it baffles Darwinists. They portray it as one of the “major” mysteries of the history of life.Similar explosions have occurred in history at certain instances and nobody knows why.Some claim that such lifeforms may have been introduced by meteors from other planets but this is a baseless thing cooked up by evolutionist to avoid having to accept creationism .An individual once said “Evolutionists claim that only they do not follow blindly but many of them have toyed with the idea of infections from alien organism .This is fallacious because it presume DNA accidentally occurred elsewhere as well” Another thing to point out is that the idea of Panspermia (that life originated from outside sources) implies that an organism had not only evolved extremely fast since the beginning of time but it also supposes that it’s evolution was so fast that it formed so long ago so as to have then traveled millions of kilometers for thousands of years to reach earth.It also supposes that such life could support itself on such a journey.
6)The earliest forms of life should be characterized by a lesser complexity than that which supposedly evolved much later. But such is not the case. The so-called “simple” forms of life are “incredibly complex” (Simpson, 15). The alleged upward swing of the evolutionary chain presents many a problem. A fern, for instance, has 500 chromosomes in the nucleus of each of its cells, a crayfish has 200, while humans have only 46. This is an anomaly.Some pose the fallacious “Scaffolding” argument that life was complex and then devolved .But this implies either an overly abnormal ultra-fast evolution into a complex organism before it devolved or it implies the illogical ,that life emerged as more complex forms.
7)Advanced organisms have two sexes. Gradual evolution could not have produced sexuality. To say that it could have done so is to assume that both sexes evolved from the same ancestor at the same time with fully functioning and compatible sexual organs as non-developed sexual organs will cause no offspring to result. Even if one sex of a species evolved, it would have died without a mate. As put by Parker, “…we can’t even imagine that males evolved from females, or vice versa.. ” If sex emerged by accident both sexes needed to have formed from the same parent at the same time ,with compatible sexual organs and also the desire to mate AND the ability to conceive since reproduction of any kind is a complex process.
8)Evolution demands long, uninterrupted spans of time. Yet the geologic record is one of catastrophes that interrupted life on earth. Gould admits that these “great dyings” are a problem because “our strong biases for gradual and continuous change force us to view mass extinctions as anomalous and threatening.For example when the great Ice age occurred ,millions of plant and animals perished yet life reemerged when the ice age receded and such organisms were already adapted to the new surrounding.This also applies to the mass extinction at the end of the age of dinosaurs.
9] Now just think,suppose a evolution did happen and a micro organism ‘did’ form by accident.At the immediate second it became alive it had to have the ability to reproduce ,eat,breath,excrete etc.(Characteristics of living things) at the very instant it was born.So how did everything come exactly as life would require it?And that too in a single instant the ‘mistake’ happened?Let us now consider single aspects at a time- So suppose if the organism was born it would have to have evolved the ability to reproduce (Any reproduction is a complex and surgical process and the reproductive capacity of the organism must have been near-perfect RIGHT FROM THE START )But it had no ancestors to evolve the ability from.So it could not multiply (without considering it would die due inability to breath,inability to eat,missing digestive system for specific food it eats etc.) and therefore no offspring.Therefore no life would be there today.The same applies to the other requirements for life.So you see,too many parts of living beings required a sudden leap to have formed and these leaps have had to come about in a controlled and/or meaningful manner.Scientist have created proteins in situations similar to those of a young earth.Guess what ?Like DNA,protein does not mean life.It requires an already fully functioning body to be of any use in life processes. Furthermore DNA just floating around does not do anything .You might also see ,that the first DNA organism ‘also’ had to have a DNA containing all the information of the body structure (even though the body structure was by accident-so how did it know?How did it ‘generate’ the information into encoded DNA?) and also a system capable of containing the information and processing it.

10) How on earth can a cellular organism form?! Since the cell wall and the organs need to have been accidentally created at the same moment and the cell organs have to be formed ‘inside’ the cell .The cell needs to be able to transport resources (food) in and excrete wastes to prevent dangerous buildup.To do this the cell wall needs to be fine tuned to only allow specific materials in and specific materials out while at the same time any mechanism within the cell must be accidentally ,one that perfectly needs only those resources which are allowed in and specifically produces those chemical products capable of being ejected form the body.This is the argument for intelligent design.
There are many but it’s too long and also difficult to find because most things like this are simply classified as ‘weird’ and then ignored